GFS Research

Outsourcing from Albania

Surveys, CATI and CAWI

Your Development Partners

No effort access to the private area

High Quality at a Lower Cost

Focus on your core business and let us do the quantitative work of data acquisition

About Us

GFSresearch is an innovative company created in 2010, in Tirana with the aim to supply long distance services for international customers.

GFSresearch believes that Albania is an ideal country that is capable of supplying a multilingual service charaterized by high quality and low price. It was created during the globalization era with the telecommunication sector in high development.

Albania is an emerging country where young people speak many languages, of which Italian and English are the most prevalent. Their culture is very similar to that of European countries. In fact Albania's objective is to become a part of the European Union within the next few years.

GFSresearch was created by young people who have worked  in different UE countries and have experience in the survey sector. With their  knowledge and skills they decided to create a company in Albania.

The GFSresearch office is located near the city center of Tirana. It is easily accessable to students of various faculties which form a major part of the telephone interviewer staff.

The technology implemented is up to date and continuously improving. Employees are always trained for the variuos surveys in order to  mantain high quality performance.

Clients can monitor the surveys and the interviewers in real time as well as provide suggestions at any time.

The main characteristics which guarantee GFSresearch's high quality performance are:

    Low level of turn over
    Low cost
    Highly trained professionals
    Strong motivation
    Good skills in Italian and English languages.

These attributes permit GFSresearch to supply a high quality service with lower costs than concurrent companies. These characteristics continuosly increase the number of our clients which are mainly italian. In one year our company conducts 250.000 interviews on average. This volume of requests is a clear indicator of the trust our clients have in our company, which is specialized in statistical surveys, opinion pools, and market research.